Nachdem ich jetzt schon mehreres unternommen habe und auch noch mehr unternehmen werde, scheint jetzt langsam ein kleines Licht am Ende des Tunnels zu flackern.
Now that I've already done several things and will do even better, it seems to flicker a little light at the end of the tunnel.
At the LBM I had the possibility to talk to face to face to one of the organisers of AniMaCo.
His opinion was, it is a good idea, but an other music group wants to get a show gig too. The second probleme is, he is not sure if there are enough fans to see their show. The result is: he wants to listen to some songs of Seremedy to have an imagine of them.
I told this to Seike he sended some songs for listening to AniMaCo.
If he get an answer he will inform me.
Please wish them luck and continue to help them by sending studiosly mails to followig adress:
Write until your fingers hurt and show all how much you wan t to see Seremedy at AniMaCo. Convinced your friends of Seremedy's madness and infect them. Let them be a part of a big community and persuad them finally to send a mail too.
Write until your fingers hurt and show all how much you wan t to see Seremedy at AniMaCo. Convinced your friends of Seremedy's madness and infect them. Let them be a part of a big community and persuad them finally to send a mail too.
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