Aufruf! - Junge Visual Kei Band braucht eure Unterstützung ! Attantion! - Young visual kei music group needs your support!

Hello to everyone.
I have a big ask! Please help me!

The swedish visual kei music group Seremedy wants to give a concert in Germany. The singer Seike sent the following message to the Fans:

... Dear MADlings, are you MAD? You see, I am..
Keep on reading the word of Seremedy around the globe.

Also - find a livehouse or convention (who use to bring bands) near you, gather all the people you know who would attend this convention and make them email and tell them to bring Seremedy for a concert! Imagine if the same place got 100+ mails from fans telling they want them to come = big chanse it will happend!
My little MADlings, you should know you are much more important than you know, and do have a bigger part in this than you can ever imagine. We are all a huge force of MADNESS, spreading! So let's spam the local big anime conventions or any place where you want us to get booked.
Unite together and make a show possible! It's from here up to you now. ;)


Now I promised them, I do all I can, that they can come to Germany. But I can't do it alone, I need your help! Please send this to all your friends and tell them about my action. or better you send a message to Animaco (, that the boys necessarily have to come to Germany.

Thanks to all who wants to help me!!!